Ever since Thanksgiving, since the beginning of Advent, we waited for Christmas, for the celebration of the birth of Christ. Each week we lit another candle in the advent wreath, counting the weeks. We put up Christmas lights and decorations and saw them spring up around town. Presents wrapped in bright colors with festive bows have multiplied under trees. The anticipation grew with each passing day.
Finally Christmas arrived. We worshipped with carols and candlelight welcoming the baby Jesus. We gathered with family and friends around tables of delicious food. We surrounded trees and unwrapped gifts given by loved ones near and far. The Christ candle was lit and Jesus was born in us again!
But now the New Year is upon us. Stores have already taken down their Christmas decorations in preparation for the next holiday. Epiphany (January 6th) approaches and so the end of the 12 Days of Christmas. Soon enough we will take down our trees, unplug our lights, and pack up our stockings we had hung with such care. As society and we put away the signs and symbols of the Christmas celebrations we must be careful not to pack up Jesus with them.
As we and the Church calendar move on from Christmas it’s important that we remember that Christ remains in our midst and he goes with us wherever we may go. We “unwrapped” Jesus as we told the story of his birth and remembered the good news of the angels proclaiming a savior born. As we have shared love with one another let us remember that God’s love is unending.
Our decorations will be down soon enough and the tree ornaments will be wrapped up and put away till next year, but let us keep Christ out and unwrapped. Let us carry him with us into the new year and all it brings. Jesus goes before us to prepare our way. Jesus goes with us to encourage and support us day by day. Jesus goes behind us, healing our wounds, forgiving our sins, and carrying our burdens.
As we carry Jesus into the new year we carry him not only for our own sakes, but for the sake of those around us and the whole world. So how will you carry Jesus to the people and into the places that need him most? How will you carry him to those who are sick or lonely, to those who are marginalized and oppressed, to those who are hungry for the love and peace only God can give?
The Magi carried gifts from a far off land to the Christ child, now we get to carry the gift of Christ with us day by day, strengthened by his faithfulness and pointing to his grace.
May you keep Jesus unwrapped and carry the gift of his presence all throughout the new year of 2025.
Christ’s Blessings,
Pastor Brian
